Friday, June 21, 2013

Malaysia Appreciates Expat Too Much

Aku rasa macam nak menulis bila aku baca satu update kat facebook merungut pasal MMHE. Pasal skang ni tampuk pimpinan MMHE di conquer oleh expatriate. Bukan yang board of director but the MD/CEO and other few senior management roles, tapi tak mendatangkan hasil apa-apa pun. Macam P. Ramlee cakap, masuk angin keluar asap. Sia-sia je bagi gaji mahal-mahal tapi habuk pun takde. Ce tengok gaji diaorang ni, aku tatau sahih ke tak, ni aku copy dari update tu la..

Banyakkan? Of course..

Actually bukan kat MMHE je bende-bende macam ni berlaku, dalam petronas sendiri dan dalam other operators yang based kat Malaysia banyak jugak expat yang dibayar gaji melampau banyaknya tapi kita rasa tak berbaloi. Kerja bukannya perform sangat pun tapi gaji mengalahkan CEO. Tapi of course, not all of expat macam tu, some of them are really worth the money.

Masa aku mula-mula dapat interview dari Elliott, berita gembira tu aku sampaikan kat sorang member aku, ex-Dresser-Rand. Masa third interview, one director from U.S. wants to have a phone conversation to conclude whether I will get the job or not. Aku cukup risau time tu..member aku cakap "Ala Yol, apa yang kau nak takut..mat salleh ni kadang-kadang bukannya tere sangat pun, diaorang ni nampak je cam tere tapi kekadang tatau apa-apa pun". Kata-kata tu sedikit sebanyak dapat menaikkan my self-esteem. My friend, he now works at Shell Brunei LNG with monthly income average MYR36,000. Still a modest man.

Malaysia ni macam pepatah melayu cakap, monyet di hutan disusukan anak di rumah dibiarkan kelaparan. So anak yang kat rumah tu lari la dari rumah pegi rumah orang lain mintak susu. In 2011, according to a World Bank report, Malaysians residing and working oversea touched one million last year (2010), where over half of the diaspora and brain drain were hosted in Singapore, followed by Australia, Brunei, The United Kingdom, The United State, Canada and New Zealand. Ramai orang Malaysia yang berkelayakkan, tapi dioffer dengan gaji yang rendah di negara sendiri, tapi untuk position yang sama dioffer gaji yang lumayan kepada expat. 

Teringat on one fine day in Jubail Export Refinery Plant. I was in the package 3 area under Samsung, and one rotationg equipment maintenance from end user approaching me asking my favor with start-up problem of one compressor in package 1. 

"Mr. Shah I need your help to troubleshoot start up problem with Elliott compressor in package 1. We already troubleshoot since yesterday but still could not start. The permissives are all OK but when we push the start push button, nothing happened. I just need to loan you for a while to go with me there because the Elliott Supervisor in package 1 already left the site."

After got the green light from Samsung, off I went with him. 

According to end user PCS (Process Control System) expert, they have checked in DCS side, and all were good but the permissive signal somehow has not reached to MCC. I checked the logic diagram and went to MCC. I traced the signal one by one from interposing relay and found the problem. Just took less than an hour to troubleshoot, however they, including this so called PCS expert, a French national, were took more than one day and still could not find the problem. 

Malaysia should start to appreciate its professional and expert by offering big bucks!

A programme hosted by TalentCorp to woo Malaysian Expert in oversea in 2011.

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